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St Mary's Primary School, Ballygawley


2017/2018 School Year

22nd May 2018
Did you know apples float but mangoes sink. Primary 1 carried out a floating and...
15th May 2018
What an amazing experience this is. We’re on cloud nine literally. Lots to...
10th May 2018
Primary 1 are enjoying our topic Superheroes. We have listened to some great stories...
8th May 2018
Congratulations to all those pupils who received Pupil of the Week at assembly today....
25th Apr 2018
Year 6/7 are refining their cookery skills with Ann Marie. They got off to a great...
23rd Apr 2018
Congratulations to all those pupils who received Pupil of the Week since returning...
10th Apr 2018
In P2 we have been busy in maths estimating and weighing objects, using money to...
22nd Mar 2018
Today in our maths lesson P4’s were estimating and measuring using metres...
14th Mar 2018
Today in school the P4's started their Hurling Coaching with Kiefer Morgan. In this...