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St Mary's Primary School, Ballygawley

December fun in P.1 and 2.

13th Dec 2023

December has been a busy month for all the boys and girls in our class. Ellen the elf arrived on December 1st and has brought a letter of affirmation to one child each day , she is so clever and knows all about the children, how hard they’re working , how brave they’ve been and how well they’re using their talents both in and out of school winning trophies for Irish dancing and taking part in gymnastics and jujitsu. Well done to all. 👏
We’ve also been really busy preparing alongside Miss Hurson’s class for our school show. We had a brilliant matinee today enjoyed by the rest of the school.The audience are in for a real treat at our nightly shows. We look forward to performing for you all. This week we also bid a fond farewell to Meabh who is moving to Cork. We wish her all the best and good luck from everyone in St. Mary’s. Nollaig Shona daoibh from everyone in Primary 1 and 2. 🎅🎄