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St Mary's Primary School, Ballygawley

First Holy Communion

20th May 2023

Congratulations to our year 4 pupils who celebrated their First Holy Communion today. We are so proud of you all. Thank you to Fr O'Dwyer for a beautiful ceremony. Thank you to our P5-P7 pupils who sang so beautifully in the choir and to Ciara Mc Ginley for expertly leading the choir and musicians. Thank you to our altar servers. A special word of thanks to Miss Mc Aleer, Nicole O'Donnell and Orla Mc Kenna for preparing the children so well. Thank you to all our staff who helped in so many ways preparing for this special day. Finally thank you to our PTA who organised a fantastic celebratory tea in the parish hall and to all who helped with setting up and preparing for this special event. We hope that everyone had a lovely day.