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St Mary's Primary School, Ballygawley

Green Day

15th Mar 2024
Today we all wore green to school to celebrate St Patrick's day. P2/P3 led us in an informative assembly sharing lots of facts about St Patrick. Our P3 and P4 pupils treated us to some fantastic Irish dancing and some of our staff even joined in as well. We hope that everyone has a lovely St Patrick's day. 
We had lots to celebrate at assembly today. Well done to our pupils of the week. Congratulations to our Mathletics award winners. We have a new millionaire reader. Well done to Neven who has joined the millionaire club reading
1, 646, 308 words. Keep up the super reading Neven!! We celebrated all our success at the Knockmany cross country event and celebrated all our children who took part in the Dungannon Feis. What a talented bunch of children we have!!!!